A rescoring of the "Abyss Climb" from Hollow Knight using Ableton and Adobe Premiere. All of the gameplay, background music, and sound effects were composed and edited by Josh Thies.
The first step was recording the gameplay. I couldn't fine what I wanted on youtube, so I used
screen capture and replayed the game all the way up to this point, a scene that can't be replayed
more than once per save file. I enjoy the game, so it wasn't terribly laborious, but it's funny
that I had to put in several hours of video gaming for a school project.
Up next was the sound effects. I used a website called "freesound: for some and recorded some of my own
to make a sound effect for each part of the gameplay that, to me, would have made a sound in the virtual world.
Lastly, I used the OST of Hollow Knight to inspire my own composition which I made on Ableton. I tried my best to
sync parts of the music with events on screen, and I am especially proud of the arrangement's finale. Using Premiere
to assemble all of the parts together, the rescoring was complete.